Cattle Pregnancy Testing Service using the Repro-Scan Ultrasound Unit
We are now offering Pregnancy Testing in Cattle by Ultrasound. Renae has been trained with this unit and has been gaining extensive knowledge in the field. Enquiry can be made through this website or phone Renae on 0409 598 515. Cost is the farm visit plus $3.00 per head, plus GST.
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A big thanks for running an excellent course, I can understand now why these courses are best run by someone who has the experience and knowledge such as Sandy's - wished I did this course before I bought my first cow!
Experience & Knowledge!
"Just home from the course and it was fantastic. Sandy is a great teacher. It has given us a new option as to how to manage the herd."
It was fantastic!
Joshua really enjoyed the course and learnt a lot. Thank you Sandy for passing on your knowledge
Melanie, Wagga
Eon really enjoyed the course and got a lot of very useful skills from attending. Thank you for providing a great opportunity for him
Thank you for running the course for the University of Sydney students, I have an excellent time and thoroughly enjoyed it. My Uncle allowed me to pregnancy test his cattle. I was very accurate which made me extremely happy
Kristy, Student of Sydney University
Lucy and I enjoyed your A.I. & P.T. course very much. We thought it was presented in a very realistic and practical way, as well as entertaining
Mihnea (Mitch)
The course was fantastic, Sandy is a very skilled tutor
Chris W